Sunday, October 4, 2015

Signs of maturity can come through in so many different ways. In the book Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte , the main character Jane Eyre showed many different types of maturity throughout the novel through her words and actions.
The first sign Jane showed of maturity happened at the very beginning of the novel. Jane was treated very meanly by her aunt Miss. Reed. Miss. Reed did not think of Jane as an equal compared to the rest of her kids. She always tried to tear her down and make her feel like she is not worthy to even communicate with them. Throughout all of this bad treatment though , Jane still kept er self confidence. In my opinion, this is a sign of maturity. She is well aware that she does not deserve to be treated in this manner and actually sticks up for herself. An example of this is when Miss. Reed was yelling at Jane when she got into a fight with Johnny and Jane states “ What would uncle Reed say to you,if he were alive? Was my scarcely voluntary demand...something spoke out of me over which i had no control (36).’’ Jane knew that Mr. Reed would not like the way Miss. Reed treats her. She had the guts and the confidence to bring this major point up. Her arguing with Miss. Reed and not just giving in shows her maturity in sticking up for herself and for the way she should be treated. Even though at this moment in the book she has no on there to help support her , she still does this bold act , which shows her maturity in knowing she shouldn't get treated like this.
Not only does the confidence she has in herself shows her maturity throughout the book but it is also shown in the way she has open up. In the beginning of the book Jane was very closed off and did not form any close relationships. But , when she arrived at Lowood she met a girl named Helen. Helen became her first true close friend. At first the old Jane would be not open to forming relationships. But overtime , Helen is what Jane leaned on. Helen was always there for her , like when Brocklehurst was publicly shaming her , Helen made her feel better again. You can really see that Jane really matured and opened herself up to people when she had to say goodbye to Helen. Helen was going to pass away and it really upset Jane. An example of this is when Jane states “... laid in the little crib; my face against Helen Burns's shoulder , my arms around her neck . I was asleep , and Helen was dead (97).”  Jane stayed with her all night , she didn't want to say good bye. Jane really matured by opening up to Helen and realized that it is okay to let people in. Jane states to Helen “ i'll stay with you , dear Helen : No one shall take me away (95)” , they formed a really close bond and taught Jane to open up. Jane matured thanks to their friendship. She learnt how to be close with someone and the reader can infer that Helen had a huge impact on this by the way Jane acted when Helen was dying.  

Jane showed another sign of maturity when she went back to visit her aunt Miss. Reed. Miss. Reed suffered a stroke and was about to pass. Jane , despite how horrible Miss. Reed treated her , to went to say goodbye and to also ask if they can forgive each other and repair the relationship before she left. An example of this is when Jane states to Miss. Reed “ Love me,  then , or hate me , as you will have my full and free forgiveness ; ask now for God’s ; and be at peace (21).” Through this , the reader can see how mature Jane truly is. She is willing to let go of all the horrible things Miss. Reed did to her and let her rest in peace. Unfortunately, Miss. Reed didn't want to forgive each other , but Jane still attempted to reach out a hand and offered her forgiveness for her aunt. This truly shows her maturity by asking for forgiveness and being the bigger person.
In conclusion, Jane has really showed maturity through her words and through her actions. Maturity come across in all different ways and Jane really did this throughout the novel so far. Despite all the hardships she has been through so far , she still manages to show maturity which is quite remarkable.

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